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Socioeconomic Impact Analysis, Population, Housing, & Environmental Justice - <br />A socioeconomic and environmental justice analysis will be prepared consistent with the <br />CEQ and Presidential Executive Orders. The assessment of environmental justice <br />issues will involve a cumulative impacts assessment and will be completed just prior to <br />the Administrative Draft EIS/EIR. In addition, the Cordoba team will develop a summary <br />of the socioeconomic analysis conducted as part of the economic/financial task for the <br />project for inclusion in the community sections of the Administrative Draft EIS/EIR. <br />Deliverable(s) - Socioeconomic Impact Analysis, Population, Housing, & <br />Environmental Justice technical report with analysis for incorporation <br />into the EIS/EIR. <br />Transportation and Circulation Impacts - The transportation impacts, including transit, <br />traffic circulation and parking, will be summarized in a DEIS/DEIR Traffic Circulation and <br />Parking Technical Report to provide information to evaluate the proposed alignment <br />alternatives against the base or no -project alternative. The evaluation of transportation <br />impacts will include the following: <br />- Evaluation of Existing Traffic Conditions: The existing traffic conditions will be <br />evaluated and assessed at up to 40 key study area intersections as identified in the <br />scoping task. An existing conditions assessment of on -street parking will be <br />compiled to identify supply and occupancy within the neighborhood parking impact <br />area at each proposed station site. Within each station area, the existing number of <br />spaces will be identified along with the duration of occupancy to be compiled in <br />summary tables and figures. <br />- Evaluation of Future Base Traffic Conditions without the Project: The project <br />horizon year (2035) conditions without the project (No Build alternative) will be <br />evaluated using the future base traffic conditions from OCTA's travel forecasting <br />model that will account for background growth in traffic due to land use development <br />and population growth. The highway traffic volume projections will be post - <br />processed at each study intersection to develop the peak hour turning movement <br />projections. The intersection levels of service will be summarized and reported to <br />provide a base line comparison for the project alternatives. <br />- Evaluation of Future Traffic Conditions with Project Alternatives: Using the <br />highway traffic data provided by OCTA's travel forecasting model for each alterative <br />alignment scenario, peak hour turning movement projections will be developed at <br />study intersections that will provide the future "with project" conditions. Additional <br />impacts associated with potential reduction of automobile trips, restriction of turning <br />movements, driveway impacts, potential loss of on -street loading zones, and <br />diversion of vehicles into neighborhoods will also be addressed in the analysis. The <br />results of the analysis will be summarized and reported for easy comparison <br />between the different project alternatives and the No Build alternative. <br />- Identification of Significant Project Impacts and Recommended Mitigation <br />Measures: Impacts generated by the project alternatives will be identified through <br />comparing the results of the No Build and "with project" alternatives through changes <br />or differences in level of service designations and volume to capacity ratios. The <br />mitigation measures will be identified for each study intersection by project <br />alternative, including construction activities of the alternative, in a matrix that <br />identifies the extent of the physical improvements (restriping, intersection and street <br />widening, right of way, etc.). <br />301Page <br />