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Hydrology & Water Quality - The EIS/EIR must describe area watersheds, drainages, <br />streams, and water bodies. The potential for impacts from flooding, tsunami, and seiche <br />is likely to be less than significant. Potential impacts to hydrology and water quality from <br />project alternatives generally consist of disruption of storm water flows and water quality <br />issues associated with construction activities (e.g., Santa Ana River crossing) and <br />maintenance and storage facilities for transit vehicles. Implementation of design features <br />and Best Management Practices specified in a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan <br />should be adequate to reduce impacts to less than significant. A quantitative level <br />assessment is proposed, given the site impact and disturbance from project alternatives <br />summarizing setting, conditions, and impacts. <br />Deliverable(s) - Hydrology and Water Quality technical report with analysis for <br />incorporation into the EIS/EIR. <br />• Land Use & Planning — The Cordoba team will describe existing land uses, zoning, and <br />General Plan designations as well as the Renaissance Plan, field reconnaissance, and <br />aerial photographs. The EIS/EIR will describe whether proposed uses will conflict with <br />adopted zoning, designations, or the terms of other land use plans. Impacts are <br />expected to be less than significant and to require no additional mitigation. <br />Deliverable(s) - Land Use and Planning technical report with analysis for incorporation <br />into the EIS/EIR. <br />• Noise and Vibration Study - A noise analysis based on the FTA noise model will be <br />prepared for the project. Base line short and long-term noise readings will be taken at <br />key sensitive receptors. Conclusions will be converted into an EIS/EIR section, utilizing <br />City and FTA noise criteria. In areas with nearby residences, some neighbors may be <br />concerned about changes in not only the loudness but also type of sound. <br />Deliverable(s) - Noise and Vibration technical report with analysis for incorporation <br />into the EIS/EIR. <br />Cultural Resources Technical Reports - The Cordoba team will prepare SHPO <br />compliant technical studies such as the CEQ compliant Overview Report, CEQ <br />Compliant Survey/inventory Report, and Cultural Resources Data Recovery and Cultural <br />Resources Mitigation & Monitoring Plan. A records search of multiple sources is <br />required, pedestrian surveys for archeology and historic resources, and consultation with <br />relevant agencies and tribes is required. In addition, the City's Historic Resource <br />Commission will be advised of the study findings. The Cultural resource studies, <br />meeting or exceeding Secretary of the Interior Standards and Guidelines for Archeology <br />and Historic Preservation (48 FR 44716, September 29, 1983, as amended and <br />annotated), will provide the EIS/EIR with sufficient data to identify the presence of the <br />cultural resources in the project area, evaluate the potential for additional surface or <br />subsurface resources, assess the potential significance of identified resources, and <br />develop measures to mitigate potential adverse effects such as appropriately <br />documenting the most significant resources. The cultural resources section of the <br />EIS/EIR will be based on the following: <br />- An existing data review from the South Central Coast Information Center, the <br />National and State Registers, the City of Santa Ana local resources list, and local <br />historic societies, which will be summarized in an Overview Report <br />311 Page <br />