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vii. Remove all equipment and materials when leaving work each day. <br />viii. Dispose of all packaging, containers and excess materials in accordance with <br />applicable laws, regulations, ordinances, codes, and any other legislative or statutory <br />requirements. Materials rinse residue shall be collected and disposed of <br />appropriately. <br />I. Meet with City Project Manager and /or his /her designee when requested at mutually agreed upon <br />dates and times. <br />j. Contain and dispose of all sand, water, or other materials used in blasting or pressure washing <br />operations in accordance with local, State, and Federal regulations. <br />k. Correct any damage to public or private property as a result of Contractor's operations at the sole <br />expense of Contractor(s). <br />I. Apply anti - graffiti coatings, as required, by the Project Manager and /or his /her designee. <br />m. Conduct operations with least possible obstruction and inconvenience to the public, and barricade <br />no greater area of work than necessary. <br />n. Provide and maintain fences, barriers, directional signs, lights, and flag persons as necessary to give <br />adequate warning to the public at all times of any dangerous conditions to be encountered as a result <br />of the work and to give directions to the public. Any road break permits required shall be the <br />responsibility of the Contractor. <br />o. Conduct full -time daily proactive surveillance at Contractor's expense. <br />p. Working Hours shall be no earlier than 6:00 a.m. to no later than 5:00 p.m. On Weekends and <br />holidays, the Contractor shall respond to all graffiti telephone hotline requests received by 12 noon. <br />q. On Weekends and holidays and every other Friday that City Hall is closed, the Contractor shall <br />retrieve and respond to all graffiti telephone hotline requests received by 12 noon. On the <br />weekends, contractor will respond to graffiti removal request received between noon on Saturday <br />and 12 noon on Sundays within 24 hours. <br />City Holidays observed; New Year's Day, Martin Luther King, Jr. Birthday, Presidents Day, <br />Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day, and <br />Christmas Day <br />The Project Manager and /or his /her designee or the Police Department may designate sites as <br />needing an emergency response. An emergency work order will be issued immediately and will <br />have first priority for graffiti removal on the same day. <br />s. Should the Contractor fail to correct deficiencies or public nuisances that have been created because <br />of their operations, the City will proceed to take corrective measures and this project will be <br />considered as an emergency. Such work will be done on a staff account basis with an additional call <br />out charge of $75.00 for each call out. It should be noted that there is a minimum of a two -hour <br />charge for labor for any call out. <br />II. WEB BASED WORK ORDER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM <br />a. Contractor shall provide a real -time web based work order system for receiving, tracking, and <br />closing work orders which City personnel may access. System must allow multiple photos per <br />work order number. <br />City of Santa Ana GRSC Services RFP Page 14 <br />