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EIR No. 2015 -01, AA No. 2014 -04, <br />GPA No. 2015 -03, DA No. 2015 -03 & VTTM No. 2015 -03 <br />October 12, 2015 <br />Page 8 <br />opportunities and supportive services. Further, the project would be consistent with Policy HE -2.2 <br />to create District Centers with high intensity, mixed -use urban villages and pedestrian oriented <br />experiences and Policy HE -2.4 to facilitate diverse types, prices and sizes of housing. <br />Amendment Application <br />The subject site was zoned Light Industrial (M -1) when it was annexed by the City in the early <br />1960's. In the mid 1960'x, the property was rezoned to Limited Manufacturing (LM), a designation <br />that allowed a combination of professional office and industrial related uses. In 1998, the City <br />Council adopted Amendment Application No. 1998 -02, changing the zoning of the site back to Light <br />Industrial (M -1). At that time, the Council was concerned with the number of industrial zoning <br />designations in the Code, the range of uses permitted in the industrial zones, and had a desire to <br />simplify the industrial regulations. Given the current zoning is M -1, a zone change to a specific <br />development designation is proposed (Exhibit 13). <br />Staff has identified concerns with the zoning inconsistency of the proposed project. The subject <br />site has a zoning designation of Light Industrial (M -1). Light Industrial zoned areas of the City are <br />characterized by uses that manufacture, process, assemble, package and /or warehouse products. <br />Residential uses such as those proposed at the site are inconsistent with this zoning designation and <br />are not a permitted use at this location. One of the primary foundations of zoning is to ensure <br />compatibility with industrial uses and minimize their impacts to residential areas in order to protect <br />residents from the effects of industrial uses. Approval of a residential project in an area of the City <br />that is 100 percent office/ industrial will very likely lead to complaints associated with incompatibility <br />of land uses, including noise and truck traffic. Further, recent land use decisions by Irvine for the <br />Irvine Business Complex, for Tustin and Santa Ana have reaffirmed each jurisdiction's commitment <br />to minimize the intrusion of new residential development sites into existing industrial clusters. <br />Nonetheless, as mentioned earlier, the Planning Division is contemplating a new zoning designation <br />for the area that is much more consistent with the proposed project. If the zone change is <br />approved, a series of site- specific objectives, policies and development standards will be used to <br />guide the development of the proposed project. Specifically, the SD -88 document will include a <br />menu of development standards such as setbacks, parking, height and signage and allow the <br />exclusive entitlement of the mixed -use project. The SD document has been framed to be <br />consistent with the proposed project and prohibits future modifications to enlarge or reduce the <br />size of the project (Exhibit 14). Approval of the proposal would allow for the construction of a <br />mixed -use development in an "urban village" setting that would provide a variety of neighborhood <br />services and amenities to the residents. <br />If approved, the zone change would need to be approved in conjunction with the proposed General <br />Plan amendment. This would result in a project that is consistent with the goals and objectives of <br />City's General Plan land use designation of District Center. The project will promote an urban <br />75A -12 <br />