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EIR No. 2015 -01, AA No. 2014 -04, <br />GPA No. 2015 -03, DA No. 2015 -03 & VTTM No. 2015 -03 <br />October 12, 2015 <br />Page 9 <br />development where office, retail and residential activities would coexist in a mixed -use setting. <br />The mixed -use project will contribute to the promotion of jobs housing balance in this area of the <br />City. Also, the project will include a variety of land uses that will enhance the City's economic and <br />fiscal viability. Further, the project will contribute towards the preservation and improvement of the <br />character of the southeast section of the City. Finally, the development, through the construction <br />of the proposed public improvements and site amenities, will contribute to the enhancement of a <br />unique development site. <br />Development Agreement <br />The development agreement is a legal contract between the developer and the City that defines the <br />terms and nature of development proposed for the project site. This agreement establishes <br />development intensity, permitted uses and standards for the term of the agreement. In exchange for <br />the City vesting approval of the proposed project, the development agreement requires certain <br />improvements and public benefits (Exhibit 15). The primary deal points of the agreement include: <br />The right to build the project as entitled for a period of five years, with an opportunity for one <br />five -year extension. <br />2. Committing one -half of one percent for the installation on the site, at a prime location(s) <br />visible to the public, of permanent work(s) of public art. The work(s) of art shall be in place <br />no later than the first certificate of occupancy for the project and shall be maintained in <br />perpetuity by the property owner. Further, the art may be phased to be installed at each <br />phase of the project. <br />3. Allowing the project to be completed in three phases, with the private streets and park to be <br />developed in the first phase of the development. <br />4. Executing an avigation easement, with the City and John Wayne Airport as benefited <br />parties, to prohibit any and all claims, actions or lawsuits of any kind for nuisance or <br />interference with use and enjoyment of the property, including but not limited to noise, <br />sound, vibration or other environmental effects related to aircraft operations. <br />5. Requiring the project to comply with the current Housing Opportunity Ordinance requirements, <br />including the option to pay an in -lieu fee of $9.35 per square foot of habitable space since this <br />is considered to be a "pipeline project" <br />As of Friday, October 2nd, 2015, the development agreement had not been signed by Dyer 18 I_LC. <br />Staff and the applicant are working to finalize the agreement. <br />75A -13 <br />