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EIR No. 2015 -01, AA No. 2014 -04, <br />GPA No. 2015 -03, DA No. 2015 -03 & VTTM No. 2015 -03 <br />October 12, 2015 <br />Page 10 <br />Vestino Tentative Tract Ma <br />The applicant is proposing to subdivide the 18.84 —acre parcel into six lots: Three residential <br />parcels, one office parcel, and two common area parcels. Based on a review of the tentative map <br />by the Planning Division and Public Works Agency, the project has been designed to be in <br />compliance with the applicable development standards found in Chapters 34 (Subdivision) and 41 <br />(Zoning) of the Santa Ana Municipal Code and with the proposed SD -88 zoning document. <br />However, in order to ensure Lot 4 (office parcel) complies with the City's various ordinances and <br />has street frontage, a condition of approval has been included that requires Lot A (private street) to <br />be designed to the City's private street standards. <br />Approval of the tract map will be consistent with the goals and policies identified in the City's <br />General Plan. Policy No. 1.3 of the General Plan Land Use Element encourages high - density <br />residential development within the City's District Centers. Further, Policy No. 1.4 promotes the <br />maintenance and fostering of a variety of residential land uses in the City (Exhibit 16), <br />Additional Information <br />The proposed project would convert a mostly vacant industrial development into a new mixed -use <br />site and additional revenue to the City. A fiscal analysis prepared by Stanley R. Hoffman and <br />Associates noted that a project net annual surplus to the General Fund after build out of the project <br />could be approximately $943,000 and annual sales tax revenue of almost $53,000. The study also <br />noted that only 10 percent of the estimated retail taxable purchases would be captured in the City <br />because the project is located near the City boundary, no city retail facilities are nearby, and <br />several large shopping centers are located in the cities of Tustin and Irvine. <br />Airport Land Use Commission <br />In accordance with State law, the initiation of a General Plan amendment, along with the project's <br />proximity to the John Wayne Airport, requires the project to be submitted to the Airport Land Use <br />Commission (ALUC) for a determination of consistency with the Airport Environs Land Use Plan <br />(AELUP) for John Wayne Airport. To comply with this mandate, the City referred the project to the <br />ALUC in September 2015, with an expected hearing date in October. <br />Staff does not anticipate any issues from the ALUC. However, in the event the ALUC determines that <br />the project is inconsistent with the AELUP, the City Council would need to overrule the ALUC <br />determination and approve the project. This would require a two- thirds vote in support of the project <br />and the adoption certain findings of fact. In an effort to address any ALUC concerns, the project will <br />install "Notices of Proximity to the Airport' throughout the property as well as incorporate a similar <br />notice within each lease that is completed. <br />75A -14 <br />