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r USI b-.� t0v t10 City 1..,pon request. An for SARD 6ackgroun1 rn ist bn corrplated by earr'n <br />prospective contract Service person who Mi be p(oviding oo Sita setviops to SAPD. <br />6,2 Certificate of Insurance <br />Proof of ins.irance is NOT required to be submitted with the proposal, but it will be required prior to the City's <br />award of any Agreement. <br />Proposers should carefully considor the City insurance requirements and the related dGCLlMentat!00 insttuded in <br />thcb Sample Agreement (See Appendix B) and in the Sample Insurance f=orms (See Appendix G), Proposals <br />sho;,ild by based on fuii and complete compliance with all parts and directions relating to these insurance <br />requirQmenti, <br />6.3 City Responsibilitles <br />There is no guarantae as to the rurnber of tir-^es an agercy will be used or the dollar amount that wili be <br />expended witli them. <br />.4 Canceiiaflori <br />The agrearnont may be cancelled by either party with 30 days' written notice, <br />6.3 Contract SarvIce Personnel & Consuitants <br />This Agreement shall not ander the Contrast Ser%, ice Personnel and Consultants an W €Tipioyee, partner, agent <br />of or joint venturer, with the City for any purpose. Any Contract Service Personnel and Consultant is and will <br />ramain an independent contractor in (his or her) reiationship to tree City. The City shall not be responsible for <br />witnholding taxes with rasp ct to the Service Parsonrai`s and Consultant's compensation hereunder. The <br />Contract Service Personnel and Consultant shall have ro claim against the City hereunder or othervyise for <br />vacation pay, sick leave, retirement benefits, Social Security, worker's compensation, health or disability <br />benefits, unernployrnent insurance benefits or employes, benefits of any kind. <br />6,6 Documents to Be Construed Together <br />'Che Request for Proposals, the Proposal and all documents referred to in the complete specifications and the <br />Agreement to be entered into bet+aeon the Proposer and the City, and all modifications of said documents. <br />small be oonstruecl together as ane document. <br />6.7 Errors and Omissions <br />Proposer(s) shall not be a,ilcwed to rake advantage of any err ors in or omissions in the Request for Proposal, <br />Rill instructions will be given if such error or orr fission is discovered and stalled in a tirnaly manner to the <br />attention of the City, <br />6,3 Evidance of Financial Ability <br />At tree option of the Ciry, Proposers may be r quire(i to Tarnish a'. 4enc- of sufficient financial ability and <br />resporisib0ity to enable them to fUtfili thio Agreement. <br />6.9 Firm Commitment of Availability sof Service <br />Once a proposai is opened, a Proposer is oti"ierwisa expectsd to ; r;airtak, an a`1ailability of servics Ss stet Borth <br />in its proposal for :f e stnd prices for thy? fill Agreerr€ent term after date of opening proposals <br />RPP 15- ` 40 <br />