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S. Exhibit D,.PremierPro Support and Maintenance Agreement, Section 2. Renewal, is amended <br />to state that the maintennnce renewal cycle will be shifted to align with the City's fiscal year <br />cycle of July 1 through June 30. This shift will begin in 2018 with a half year renewal billing <br />for January 1, 2018, through June 30, 2018, Thereafter, renewals will resume as one (1) year <br />terms. Exhibit I3-1 reflects this renewal cycle, <br />G. Except as hereinabove modified, the terms and conditions of said Agreement remain <br />unchanged and in full force ani effect. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the panties hereto have executed this First Amendment to <br />Agreement the (tate and year first above written. <br />ATTEST: CI'T'Y OF SANTA ANA <br />AV,A .7x 21 <br />9 �v <br />MARIA D. -TUIIAR NTkI4KUG <br />Clerk of the Council Interim City Manager <br />SONIA R, CARVALHO <br />City Attorney <br />Lisa Starck <br />Assistant City Attorney <br />RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL <br />Jac..iulla <br />Clsi Technology Innovations Officer <br />SELECTRON TECHNOLOGIES, INC, <br />Todd Johnston i - <br />President 4. <br />3 of 8 <br />